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Hey! Glad you’ve made it here! ツ
I’m Joschi, a web architect and designer from Nuremberg, Germany.
You’ve reached that remote corner of the web where I'm collecting the things that touch me and keep me moving — beyond my regular work as head of the web design agency Tollwerk and the Open Device Lab Nürnberg. I write notes and articles about all kinds of stuff here — my side projects, my events & initiatives, random findings and one or the other pivate matter. Simply put, things like this:
- Article · · 6 min read · 0 reactions
Twists and Turns
The fact that I'm writing these lines in a 300+ year old country house in Gozo, Malta, and in particular the fact that we're staying here around this time of the year is all but normal (for us, at least). It's the result of a year of twists and turns — and the intentional decision to be here today. How come?
- Article · · 1 min read · 8 reactions
Thank you for 2017
Despite also having its difficulties, 2017 as a whole was an amazing year for me. Again, I'd really love to write down and capture all the remarkable moments, but instead of just adding another (hopeless) attempt, let me first and foremost thank some friends around the world for being such an invaluable part of it.
- Article · · 10 min read · 19 reactions
The Web as a Material
When Brian and I had the idea of running an event in Rekyjavík about 3 years ago and when we finally decided on a topic in late 2015 — to look at the Web as a Material and explore it from a variety of angles — we were not really knowing where this would lead us. Now that I'm sitting on the train back home, returning from a wonderful first Material Conference 2017 with a ton of impressions of a wonderful day, I can tell you that taking this challenge was not a mistake.
- Article · · 3 min read · 6 reactions
Moving svg-sprite forward
When I started developing svg-sprite more than 3 years ago, it was my first ever Node module and everything was totally new to me. I basically just wanted to create a JavaScript port of my iconizr project to get better integration into our build chain. Splitting out the SVG sprite creation part was just a logical step.
- Article · · 27 min read · 36 reactions
100 Days Of Open Source (2017)
Inspired by the 100DayProject — and insufficiently-well prepared for 100DaysOfIndieWeb —, I commit myself to a 100 Days of Open Source challenge, starting January 1st, 2017. For more than 3 months I will contribute at least one meaningful commit a day to a public Open Source project or a similar community effort.