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- Article · · 12 min read · 14 reactions
Dating Fluid Powered TYPO3
While developing this website, I had the chance to explore a lot of new techniques. This is going to be the first of a series of posts which I’ll use to record what I’ve learnt. Let’s begin with the probably most fundamental technical decision regarding this website: Retiring TemplaVoila! and going for Fluid Powered TYPO3 as templating system. This is not an expert article — read on for a noob’s first steps with FluidTYPO3.
- Article · · 19 min read · 7 reactions
Of excellence and reputation
2013 started just normal. Almost. I spent New Year — お正月 — in Japan, together with my wife, my daughter and my parents-in-law. As a New Year’s resolution, I promised myself to do something about my physical condition, especially my weight, which had gotten out of control somehow. At that time, my life had reached a major turning point, without me being aware of it yet. A lot of unexpected occurences were just around the corner, leading me to eventually start a personal website with this very post. It is a story of opening up, of breaking cover — let’s dare looking back (this is going to be lengthy — you have been warned).